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Laser Hair Removal

Permanently Reduce Hair Growth

Excessive hair growth (also known as “hirsutism”) occurs in both women and men, although effects are more noticeable on women. Individuals that experience hirsutism typically exhibits excessive growth of coarse, dark body hair on the chest, abdomen, face, back, and other unwanted areas.


What causes hirsutism?

The cause of hirsutism varies by individual, with common causes including:

  • Genetics

  • Endocrine Disorders

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

  • Medications (Hormones, Steroids, Birth Control Pills)


Hirsutism can be completely normal, depending on the geographic origin and race of the individual, especially when the condition runs in the family. Rare causes include:

  • Menopause

  • Puberty

  • Pregnancy

  • Ovarian Tumors

  • Drugs


What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a treatment designed to halt the growth of hair in specific areas. This permanent hair removal treatment can be used by both men and women on several parts of the body.


How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal is one of the United States’ most common cosmetic procedures. It works by beaming highly concentrated light into the patient’s hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles then absorbs the light, thereby destroying the hair. Lasers can even target dark, coarse hairs without damaging the surrounding skin. Each laser pulse takes only a fraction of a second and treats many hairs simultaneously. The laser can treat a quarter-sized area approximately every second. Small areas, including the upper lip, can be treated in under a minute, and large areas, including the legs or back, can take up to an hour. Note that our lasers can effectively and safely treat all skin types. 



















What areas can be treated?​

Lasers are used to remove unwanted body hair from the following approved areas:


  • Face (Eyebrows, Cheeks, Sideburns, Upper Lip, Lower Face, etc.)

  • Chin

  • Neck (Front and/or Back)

  • Under Arm (Forearms, Upper Bicep, and/or Armpit)

  • Hands & Fingers

  • Back (Full or Lower)

  • Chest

  • Breasts

  • Legs (Thighs, Knee, & Lower, including Toes)

  • Bikini Line (Brazilian)

  • Buttocks


How many treatments will I need?

Most patients have permanent hair reduction after an average of 4 to 12 sessions depending on the area.


How long will recovery take?

Your treated skin will look and feel sunburned for a day or two following the procedure. Moisturizers and cool compresses may help. Individuals who’ve undergone facial treatments may wear makeup the following day.


What will my treatment consist of?

You and your esthetician will require appropriate eye protection, depending on the light source or laser used. Additionally, it will be necessary to protect your outer layers of skin with a special cooling device or cold gel. This also helps the laser penetrate your skin. Next, a pulse of light will be shone on the treatment area and monitored for several minutes to ensure the best settings were used and to check for adverse reactions. At the conclusion of the procedure, you may be given anti-inflammatory lotions or creams, ice packs, or cold water to ease any discomfort. Afterward, you may schedule your next treatment for four to six weeks later. These treatments will continue until your hair stops growing.


How do I care for my skin post-treatment?

Sun exposure results in less effective hair removal and increases the likelihood of complications post-treatment. Lasered skin is also vulnerable to direct sunlight and, therefore, may be prone to darkening. Avoid sun exposure for six weeks both before and after the treatment. Be sure to apply sunscreen every day with a minimum SPF of 30. This is especially crucial for those with darker skin. Additionally, you should avoid heat treatment, such as steam rooms, hot showers, and saunas, for at least 24-48 hours.




unwanted hair, facial hair, body hair, brazilian, hair removal, laser hair removal




111 N. Wabash Ave, Suite 1810

Chicago, IL  60602






(312) 332-4475


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